5 days. 5 lessons. A new brain and a new you that creates ultimate success.

Day 1: The Secret to Money Making

In money making, what is the x factor? Your may think it’s skills, strategy, marketing, etc..

But the real secret is the power of you mind. Do you believe in you? Do you believe in your business? Do you believe in what you are selling? Do you believe you can make millions and keep it?

Let’s talk about the power of the mind and how it plays into your success 95-99% more than you know!

Day 2: What DO you want?

Scientists says we spend 80% of our time thinking negatively and 90% of the time thinking the same thoughts today as yesterday. So how do we change our tomorrow with the same old thinking? We’ve got to define what we want instead of thinking about what we don’t want. So…define the business success you are looking for.

Day 3: How do you change your brain to support big success?

First understand your brain. You have two hemispheres of your brain and a conscious and subconscious mind. To create more money, more time and more freedom, let’s get these powerhouses working for you instead of against you. Let’s start by balancing the brain.

Day 4: Learn the language of the subconscious so you can program it.

If your subconscious mind doesn’t understand what you want, it can’t help you create it. So let's learn how to talk to the mind to program it for what you want.

Day 5: Re-pattern Your Brain Today!

What story are you telling yourself that you don’t want to be telling yourself regarding your money? What do you want to change about that story? Now let’s program that into your mind.

Ready for The Greatest Business Profits 5-Day Challenge?

You need to get your mind believing in your success otherwise you will keep getting struggling to succeed. You’ll know your believing when the money starts flowing in like never before!

Who is behind this challenge?

Jenny Harkleroad is a #1 best-selling author, speaker and subconscious mind change expert. She’s a mother of 4 which is her greatest claim to fame! Jenny is a big-hearted entrepreneur and business leader. Jenny built a business in San Diego over 13 years producing double digits in the millions. 

Jenny has a dramatic story to share, breaking her back on a mountain cliff. That event changed everything and gave her a ferocious appetite to transform lives and help others create what’s missing in their lives. 

Jenny and her team help others to accomplish their goals of more money, more time, and more freedom by tapping into the power of their subconscious mind.